It’s one of my favourite times of the year! Not only because October is my birthday month, but because Thanksgiving is one of my favourite food-and-wine holidays. AND it’s Libra season, when calm and balance are key. Now if only we could get past this darned Mercury retrograde…
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When I first started this blog, my goal was to document delicious yet affordable wines. This generally meant bottles in the $10-$16 range. As my salary increased and I was able to justify spending money on wine “for educational purposes,” that range got a little higher. But now that I am working for myself as a freelance translator, I am back on the lookout for amazing wine deals. Whenever I find a winner, I immediately classify it mentally in my Wines-To-Tell-Nana-About list.
My Nana and I at the National Arts Centre She hasn’t changed a bit!
Hello friends!
It’s that time of year again when I resurface from a hiatus!! We are nearing the end of our sailing season in the Caribbean. It has been a great winter of island hopping, hosting friends on board and enjoying a slower, simpler kind of life.
But all good things must come to an end, and our time in the Caribbean is no exception. And there is nothing more depressing for a cruiser than watching your boat come out of the water. Except maybe knowing that you are flying home to subzero temperatures and snow still on the ground. And then I seriously question all my life choices. And consume a vast amount of chocolate. And (obviously) drink wine. And that helps a bit. Continue reading
Languedoc. Land of three kisses. Everyone knows that the French greet each other with kisses on the cheek. However, the French kissing custom can garner intense confusion for visiting foreigners. Like a secret code that only locals are privy to, the number of kisses exchanged varies based on geography, ranging anywhere from 1 to 5 (!!) kisses. Continue reading
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