Discover your wine style, one glass at a time

Tag: pinot noir (Page 1 of 2)

New World meets Old World: Oregon Résonance pinot noir paired with bœuf bourguignon #winophiles

This month, the French Winophiles are shaking things up a bit. Rather than exploring a French wine region, our group of French-wine-loving bloggers is looking at Burgundian producers who are literally putting down roots in the US. I have chosen Maison Louis Jadot’s Résonance vineyard in Oregon, and will be pairing its 2017 Découverte pinot noir with bœuf bourguignon – an incredible match!

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Best Ontario sparkling wines to celebrate the end of 2020 – Part One

It’s the time of year where we all start thinking about bubbles! Whether for gift‑giving purposes, or just to open in honour of surviving another day, there is a bubbly for every occasion. To that end, I have compiled a list of the top Ontario sparkling wines to get you through the holidays and celebrate the New Year. I think we can all agree that it’s time for this godforsaken year to come to an end already (don’t let the door hit you on your way out, 2020!).

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One last time before I go


It has been quite a whirlwind since my last post, which seems like a lifetime ago. The last four weeks have included my last day of work, packing up the entire house, last-minute arrangements for the logistics of life and home ownership in our absence, trying to fit everything I need into a carry-on bag (yes, we are going to do 2 months in Europe with only carry-on), many teary goodbyes with loved ones, and not surprisingly, lots of wine. Continue reading

Rainy-day Oregon pinot noirs

Oh spring. You are such a tease. Last week, it was 26 degrees Celsius (let me translate that for my American readers: 79 degrees Fahrenheit), which is amazingly warm for April in Ottawa. I even biked to work for the first time this season, and it was glorious! But this morning when I woke up, it was cloudy and cold, and when I let the dog out, I kid you not it was freezing rain. Really, spring? Really?? Come ON!

Rainy Day

For the purpose of this post, let’s just pretend it’s still beautiful and sunny, like spring is not holding out on us. Continue reading

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