Discover your wine style, one glass at a time

Tag: #winophiles (Page 2 of 2)

Rosés are red? Love for Provence’s big red wines and Château Calissanne #winophiles

Ahh Provence. Those of you who know me well know that this is a region that is close to my heart, since half my family lives there. When it comes to wine, the area is best known for its rosés, but its reds should not be overlooked. Today, the French #winophiles and I are exploring these hearty red wines from Provence. I’ll be tasting Château Calissanne’s Rocher Rouge.

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New World meets Old World: Oregon Résonance pinot noir paired with bœuf bourguignon #winophiles

This month, the French Winophiles are shaking things up a bit. Rather than exploring a French wine region, our group of French-wine-loving bloggers is looking at Burgundian producers who are literally putting down roots in the US. I have chosen Maison Louis Jadot’s Résonance vineyard in Oregon, and will be pairing its 2017 Découverte pinot noir with bœuf bourguignon – an incredible match!

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Adventures in Roussillon white wines #Winophiles

Today I am joining the French Winophiles, a group of wine bloggers from around the world who love fermented French grapes, in their monthly virtual meet-up. Saturday morning’s discussion over on Twitter will focus on white wines from Roussillon, France’s southernmost winemaking region. Read to the end for more details.

A personal connection – or not

Being a Canadian/French dual citizen, I often consider myself quite familiar with France and its geography. And when I first heard that this month’s Winophiles chat would be on Roussillon, I thought “Great! I know that region and I’ve been there quite a bit in the last few years.” Except that once I started doing some research, I realized that it might not be the case. Continue reading

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